Hi friends!
It has been a little bit since we posted on our blog and for good reason, we welcomed our sweet baby boy Santiago in the early morning hours of April 1st. It was quite the experience and I am excited to share more on our birth story and give an update on our upcoming summer season.
The birth of our son came like a whirlwind. He was due on April 15th and I surely thought he’d arrive on or around April 8th, but doesn’t God just laugh when we make plans? LOL. Our sweet boy decided to enter into the world on April 1st and of course making it a grand entrance. So here is a snippet of our birth story…
In the wee morning hours of March 31st, my daughter Laila woke up around 3:45am. Usually when she wakes up that early I bring her into my bed and we stay sleeping until 7am. As I was walking across my house to retrieve her from her room, my water broke!! My water breaking was not like the movies where it breaks and water is just everywhere and then you get rushed to the hospital….NO. I honestly thought I peed my pants, but I knew this was different than that, after all I hadn’t had problems with bladder leakage in that capacity my whole pregnancy. After getting my daughter from her room I checked my pants and yup this was quite different as the water kept coming and I couldn’t control it. After about an hour I began to contract and started doing squats and moving around in hopes I was dilating. Around 11 am we arrived at the hospital to find that I was not dilated at all! Man did that make me nervous. See, with my daughter we did a cesarean delivery because she was breeched. With my son, he was head down and I was in no way wanting to go through major surgery again to birth him, but not being dilated made a surgery possible. Luckily I had great nurses and my midwife advocating to our doctor to let me go for a VBAC delivery. Queue the Pitocin to get us going. Once we received the Pitocin our contractions became much more intense and painful and yes I definitely got the epidural after about 3 hours of breathing through the contractions. After the epidural I was much more relaxed and was able to rest for quite a while. During this time I was dilating, but my blood pressure kept going out of wack from the epidural and we had a small scare where we had to get it under control. (thank god for our nursing team and anesthesiologist!) All while this was happening, Santiago was as cool as a cucumber and his heart beat was steady. Finally I reached full dilation and it was ready to push. After 30 minutes our sweet boy was born at 3:55am on 4/1 weighing in at 8.5lbs! He was born at 38 weeks and wow was I glad because of how big he already was. Also my little chunk made us wait a full 24 hours to see his face after he broke my water but oh was it worth it. We did it! A successful VBAC delivery and I couldn’t have done it without my sweet husband Andrew and his steadfast strength as well as my amazing nurse Jen and midwife Laura. Really the entire nursing staff at renown was amazing in helping us accomplish a VBAC delivery and bringing our son into the world safely. His nurses name was Lila, and that was just icing on the cake as she had the same name as our daughter, and we knew he was meant to be born that day.
Like I said, my birth was a whirlwind and this fourth trimester has been hard mentally as we’ve had little sleep, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Santiago has been a welcomed addition to our family. Laila absolutely adores him and has embraced her big sister role and I am so proud of her. He is now a little over a month old and we’ve finally begun to get better sleep, and he is growing every day.
Now that we’ve had some time to adjust to being a family of four we are diving back into wedding season with a fresh set of eyes. Our first event is May 28th at the lovely Elm Estate for the most beautiful couple and we cannot wait to share more behind the scenes. Soon we’ll be following up with recent inquiries, scheduling meetings with current couples and diving back into all things business.
Thanks so much for reading about our birth and following along on our journey!
-Kristina and Family
COPYRIGHT 2024 HAVEN FLORALS | brand and web design by with grace and gold
Congrats to you all! What a beautiful story 😀